Children’s Church

Sunday School Info!

Nursery Class (Kindergarten and under)—Emily Cammon
One Room School Room (grades 1-5)—Diane Justice


Welcome to Second Presbyterian Church!

We are thrilled to have you worship with us. At Second Presbyterian Church we welcome children of all ages in the worship service.

Most parents of young children choose to bring their little ones into the first 15 minutes or so of church to enjoy the power of collective worship, before they are dismissed to children’s church.

If you prefer, however, you are welcome to leave your children in our nursery/pre-school rooms throughout the church hour, as they participate in age appropriate activities.

Whichever you choose, we are glad you have chosen Second Presbyterian Church!


Our Youth

Middle & High School Sunday School

Rick Rushworth teaches the middle school in the class room on the second floor.

Suzanne Rushworth teaches the high school in the Jimmy Dobbs room.

Security Policy

Parents of children ages infant through kindergarten are asked to complete an information sticker for their child each Sunday. (If you have more than one child you will need to complete a sticker for each child.) These numbered stickers have a matching half, much like the security bracelets in maternity wards, that is given to the parent. When you pick your child up after church, our child care workers will check to see that the numbers on your sticker match those on the sticker we have given your child. We hope this offers you peace of mind in knowing that your child will be returned to you and no one else.